by Josh S | Jun 4, 2023 | Federal Legislation, Latest News
The Michigan Firearms Association will be dragging Joe Biden and the ATF into court as soon as we can — and I hope you’ll help us do it! Thanks to non-stop grassroots pressure from gun owners like you, almost every single gun control bill Biden has pushed in...
by Josh S | May 31, 2023 | Federal Legislation, Latest News
No one is surprised when AOC co-sponsors a gun control bill. The young Democrats in D.C. these days are truly demented, hell-bent on disarming gun owners and destroying America. So when fifty Democrats signed on H.R. 715 in its early days, that wasn’t a surprise. But...
by Josh S | May 27, 2023 | Federal Legislation, Latest News
Like any human being with a moral compass, gun owners recoil in horror and disgust every time a violent murderer carries out a shooting that leaves innocent people dead or wounded. And it’s happened a lot lately. Allen, TX. Atlanta, GA. Louisville, KY. Nashville, TN....
by Josh S | May 14, 2023 | Federal Legislation, Latest News
If you thought that the Radical Leftists in Lansing were done attacking our gun rights after passing multiple gun control bills in the last couple weeks, I’ve got bad news for you. Despite passing Universal Background Checks, Mandated Firearms Storage laws and Red...
by Josh S | May 10, 2023 | Federal Legislation, Latest News
The war is on to repeal Stand-Your-Ground law in state legislatures all over the country! The White House, Congressional Democrats, the media, and their allies here in Michigan think that in the wake of recent mass shootings, you and I are going to give in to their...
by Josh S | Apr 26, 2023 | Federal Legislation
As we speak, our national affiliate team at the American Firearms Association is on Capitol Hill for the ATF/Dettelbach hearings on the Pistol Brace Ruling and it’s all taking place NOW! To watch the video live, CLICK HERE or on the image below! Our federal team...
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