2024 Primary Survey Results

Welcome to the 2024 Michigan Firearms Association Candidate Survey Results page for the Republican Primary election to be held on August 6th!

Below you will find every completed survey that we have received from the candidates running to represent you: in the State House, the State Senate, and in the United States Congress.

If a candidate running in your area is not listed here, they did not complete and return their survey to Michigan Firearms Association.

You can sort this data by what office you are interested in, what county you live in, or by a candidate’s name to find the answers to the survey questions that we’ve listed below. You will even see a link to each candidate’s completed survey, so you can see their answers for yourself!

(NOTE: just because a candidate is listed here does not necessarily mean they answered 100% pro-gun! Be sure to check the candidate’s responses to each and every question on their survey.)

You can click here to find what Legislative and Congressional districts you live in if you don’t know or aren’t sure.

If you have questions or concerns about the survey data, please contact us at: [email protected].


Question 1

In 2023, Governor Whitmer signed a vicious gun-control bill that ended all private party firearms transfers in Michigan unless they submit to a federal NCIC check, thereby adding themselves and the firearm to a federal list. As we’ve seen, this legislation does little to stop crime but creates statewide databases of gun owners – which can be used against gun owners later. If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES to REPEAL Michigan’s new “Universal Background Checks” law that outlaws private party sales and makes criminals out of Michigan gun owners – and creates a database of gun owners at the same time?

Question 2

“Extreme Risk Protection Orders” commonly referred to as ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscations,’ were passed in Michigan in 2023 and allow a spurned ex, a former partner, a co-worker etc, to petition a court and make the claim, with no evidence or substantiation, that a person is a “danger to themselves or others”. Under “Red Flag Gun Confiscations” the court can, through ex parte hearings and with no due process of law, issue a “Red Flag” order, stripping a law-abiding gun owner, who has never even been arrested, indicted or convicted of a crime, of their firearms without so much as a day in court! If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES to REPEAL Michigan’s new ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscations’ law that denies law abiding Michigan citizens their gun rights without due process through a court of law and without ever having been adjudicated as defective or convicted?

Question 3

Various state legislatures have already passed legislation that would ban all gun rights from American citizens between the ages of 18-20. In addition, many lawmakers at the state and federal level are publicly calling for this legislation to be enacted at the state level nationwide! This, even though these are law abiding citizens that can serve in the military, pay taxes, get married, have careers and enjoy every other aspect of being a legal adult. If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation that would leave American citizens between the ages of 18-20 defenseless and unable to buy a firearm for self-defense?

Question 4

Anti-gun lawmakers, the media, and Bloomberg funded activists have been screaming for a complete ban of the AR-15 (and their standard 30-round magazine) and hundreds of related firearms all because of a variety of cosmetic features. Legislation has been introduced to ban these firearms in Washington, D.C., and lawmakers here in Michigan have introduced similar legislation. This, despite the fact that all semi-automatic firearms function essentially the same way. If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation banning the manufacture, sale or possession of semi-automatic firearms and/or large-capacity magazines, recognizing that these restrictions do nothing to stop crime but only serve to harass gun owners?

Question 5

Gun control activists have long desired a mandatory waiting period before law abiding citizens would be able to exercise their 2nd Amendment freedoms and purchase a firearm for self-defense. This, despite the fact that the madmen in some of the worst mass shootings in America purchased their guns AFTER submitting to these waiting periods. Of course, these waiting periods do nothing to stop violent crime and have only resulted in many women being murdered by violent predators because they were unarmed and couldn’t defend themselves, because they hadn’t waited enough days to buy a gun. If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on any legislation that would place unconstitutional waiting periods limiting when a law-abiding citizen in Michigan could purchase a firearm for self-defense?

Question 6

Constitutional Carry recognizes that every law-abiding citizen has the right to carry a gun, openly or concealed, for any reason they want to, except to commit a crime. Thus, with no government bureaucracy or license, Michigan citizens could defend themselves, and criminals who use firearms to commit crimes are severely punished. This is the law in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming. If passed in Michigan, this law will allow thousands of people the right to carry a firearm for any lawful purpose with no additional paperwork or fees. Would you support Constitutional Carry legislation, which would allow all law-abiding Michigan citizens the right to carry a firearm, either concealed or openly, without having to first obtain government permission and be added to a list, as is done in several other states?

Question 7

One of the major pieces of gun control passed in 2023 was Mandatory Firearms Storage laws, less known as “Safe Storage” laws, which make it a CRIME to keep a gun anywhere but in a locked safe that the government approves of, leaving homeowners helpless in the face of violent intruders. This law was passed even though it has gotten people killed in places like Merced California where a man used a pitchfork to brutally murder two young children while their 14-year-old sister was locked out of her Dad’s safe because of California’s “Mandatory Firearms Storage” law. If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES to REPEAL Michigan’s new law restricting law-abiding gun owners from exercising their rights as free Americans and firearms owners to use their own common sense to store their firearms in the manner they see fit?

Question 8

Most mass shootings happen in so-called “Gun-Free” areas where law-abiding citizens are forced to disarm, which quite literally has resulted in violent criminals targeting these sites, like we saw in Uvalde, TX and many other places. This prevents otherwise law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, their loved ones and innocent citizens around them. If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation to eliminate restrictions on law-abiding gun owners from carrying a firearm in certain so-called “Gun-Free” areas, otherwise known as “Criminal Safe Zones?”

Question 9

Missouri passed the nation’s leading Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) in 2021. This law asserts state sovereignty under the 10th Amendment and tells the federal government that while Missouri can’t stop them from passing gun control, Missouri wouldn’t allow their cops and other resources to be used to help them enforce it. And since the bulk of federal laws are enforced by state and local officers, this law means that the bulk of Biden’s gun control agenda will go unenforced in Missouri. And with strong civil penalties built into it, Missouri’s SAPA law gives individual gun owners the ability to hold departments that intentionally violate the law accountable. If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on Second Amendment Preservation Act legislation for Michigan, which states that Michigan cops may not be used by the federal government to enforce federal gun control laws or Executive Orders, and which contain civil penalties that allow gun owners to hold rogue departments who break the law accountable?

Question 10

Almost every legislative candidate will say “I support the Second Amendment” but not all will stand firmly against new and invasive forms of gun control, especially when ‘compromises’ are offered. If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on all methods of gun control, including those that the media calls ‘reasonable?’ These could include bans on ‘ghost guns,’ laws that ban those with simple misdemeanor convictions from owning guns, new taxes on ammunition, civil liability insurance requirements for gun owners, and the use of pistol braces?

Scroll to the right to see all the results.  Click on “View” to see each individual survey submitted.

Survey year survey form_id entry_id entry_date First Last District County seat Chamber Party Q1 Answer Q2 Answer Q3 Answer Q4 Answer Q5 Answer Q6 Answer Q7 Answer Q8 Answer Q9 Answer Q10 Answer Comments
2,024 Legislative 28 56032 28 Jun 2024 03:37 PM Richard Overton 39 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56033 28 Jun 2024 03:51 PM Sherri J Cross 67 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56034 28 Jun 2024 05:44 PM Tom Kunse 100 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56035 28 Jun 2024 05:48 PM John Wetzel 84 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56036 28 Jun 2024 07:11 PM Curt VanderWall 102 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56037 28 Jun 2024 08:16 PM Martin Church 32 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56038 28 Jun 2024 08:30 PM Rich Cutshaw 42 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56039 28 Jun 2024 09:00 PM Ryan Maxon 64 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56040 28 Jun 2024 09:41 PM Angela Rigas 79 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56041 28 Jun 2024 10:07 PM Robert Bezotte 50 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56042 28 Jun 2024 10:15 PM Frank Lambert 75 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56043 29 Jun 2024 12:34 AM Randy LeVasseur 66 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56044 29 Jun 2024 12:39 AM Rob Waskoviak 70 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56045 29 Jun 2024 11:58 AM Patricia Singleton 13 Michigan House Democrat No Yes Yes No Yes Co-Sponsor No Co-Sponsor No No
2,024 Legislative 28 56046 29 Jun 2024 12:52 PM DAVID STAMP 23 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56047 29 Jun 2024 09:58 PM BETH ANN SOCIA 28 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56048 30 Jun 2024 01:45 AM Ronald Kokinda 2 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56049 30 Jun 2024 01:59 PM Jaime Greene 65 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56050 30 Jun 2024 05:35 PM Will Sears 5 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56052 30 Jun 2024 07:10 PM Teresa Spiegelberg 47 Michigan House Republican Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No
2,024 Legislative 28 56053 30 Jun 2024 10:43 PM Josh Powell 25 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56054 01 Jul 2024 01:23 AM Gary Eisen 64 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56055 01 Jul 2024 04:05 PM Alexander W. Harris 44 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56056 01 Jul 2024 07:33 PM Steve Frisbie 44 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56057 01 Jul 2024 10:10 PM Randy Girard 109 Michigan House Democrat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56058 02 Jul 2024 01:09 AM Kathy Pelleran-Mahoney 102 Michigan House Democrat No No Yes No No No No No No No
2,024 Legislative 28 56059 02 Jul 2024 10:58 AM Leonard Scott 24 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes No Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor No
2,024 Legislative 28 56060 02 Jul 2024 11:07 AM Tom Izzo 74 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56061 02 Jul 2024 02:51 PM Kristina Lyke 50 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56062 02 Jul 2024 03:03 PM Tim Kelly 93 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56063 02 Jul 2024 04:42 PM Ann Bollin 49 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56064 02 Jul 2024 05:35 PM Tim Kelly 93 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56065 02 Jul 2024 08:18 PM Joe Pavlov 64 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56066 02 Jul 2024 09:47 PM Chip Chipman 87 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56067 02 Jul 2024 11:23 PM Christian Marcus 105 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56068 03 Jul 2024 12:36 AM Trina Borenstein 106 Michigan House Democrat No No No No No No No No No No
2,024 Legislative 28 56069 03 Jul 2024 03:01 AM Brian BeGole 71 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56070 03 Jul 2024 09:33 PM Jeff Gorman 26 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56072 04 Jul 2024 08:48 PM Mathew Castillo 64 Michigan House Democrat Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56073 06 Jul 2024 12:22 PM Joseph Fox 101 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56075 06 Jul 2024 02:11 PM William Bruck 30 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56076 08 Jul 2024 04:02 AM Tawn Beliger 48 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56077 08 Jul 2024 02:04 PM Jerry Neyer 92 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56078 08 Jul 2024 10:05 PM Cam Cavitt 106 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56079 09 Jul 2024 01:14 AM David Martin 68 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56081 09 Jul 2024 01:40 PM Steve Carra 36 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56082 09 Jul 2024 08:00 PM Alicia St.Germaine 62 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56083 10 Jul 2024 01:49 PM Bradley Slagh 85 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Co-Sponsor Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56084 10 Jul 2024 06:24 PM Maria Mendoza-Boc 27 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56085 11 Jul 2024 03:50 AM Robert Wojtowicz 61 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56086 11 Jul 2024 02:53 PM Kathryn TEST Dorr TEST 1 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56088 12 Jul 2024 05:00 PM Ben Dorr 1 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56089 17 Jul 2024 03:21 PM Robert Waskoviak 70 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56090 18 Jul 2024 04:23 PM Kevin Rathbun 71 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56364 21 Aug 2024 11:49 AM Ronald Singet 13 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor Sponsor Yes
2,024 Legislative 28 56559 23 Sep 2024 12:49 PM Jay DeBoyer 63 Michigan House Republican Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Sponsor, Co-Sponsor Yes
District County Chamber Party


Question 1

Do you believe the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights is a limitation on government, is an individual right that is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America, and that it is the duty of the United States Congress to protect that right?

Question 2

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation like S. 494/H.R. 715 that restricts law-abiding citizens from privately selling firearms to other law-abiding citizens without possessing a Federal Firearms License or submitting to a state or federal background check? These checks form a de facto national gun registry, which the ATF recently said contains one billion records.

Question 3

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation like S. 247/H.R. 3018 that establishes ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ in America, knowing that these proposals violate Americas long enshrined due process rights by allowing the courts to order the confiscation of a gun owner’s firearms, before they’ve been convicted of a crime in a court of law?

Question 4

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation like S. 1108 (117th Congress) that makes it illegal for law-abiding citizens to own and possess firearms and firearms accessories such as standard 30-round magazines, firearms made from 80% lowers, suppressors and other accessories that are in common use, making firearms safer to use while not increasing violent crime?

Question 5

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on legislation like S. 25/H.R. 698 which makes felons out of law-abiding gun owners for the sale, manufacture, importation, or possession of hundreds of different styles of semi-automatic rifles, shotguns or handguns, including the AR-15?

Question 6

If elected, would you OPPOSE and VOTE NO on all legislative attempts to disarm lawful citizens through mental health processes that allow judges, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, or anyone else to arbitrarily declare someone mentally defective, disarming them before they’ve had their day in court?

Question 7

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation like H.R. 6248 which establishes a national Stand-Your-Ground law, by removing the ‘duty to retreat,’ clarifying that gun owners are legally able to defend themselves against violent predators, without having to retreat first?

Question 8

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation like H.R. 374 which would abolish the scandal-ridden Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives after giving them time to inventory and sell the firearms in their possession and divert their cases to the Federal Bureau of Investigation?

Question 9

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation that would repeal the 1994 Gun-Free Schools Act, which has made America’s schools the site of repeated mass shootings, as violent criminals know that they are unlikely to face any armed opposition?

Question 10

If elected, would you SUPPORT and VOTE YES on legislation such as H.R. 450, which would repeal the National Firearms Act, which has been used by many Presidents to bypass Congress and declare firearms accessories illegal by fiat?

Scroll to the right to see all the results.  Click on “View” to see each individual survey submitted.

Survey year survey form_id entry_id entry_date First Last District County seat Chamber Party Q1 Answer Q2 Answer Q3 Answer Q4 Answer Q5 Answer Q6 Answer Q7 Answer Q8 Answer Q9 Answer Q10 Answer Comments
District County Chamber Party