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Oppose Gun Control—Sign Your Petition!

Tell Congress: Repeal the Pistol Brace Ban!

Tell Congress: Repeal the Pistol Brace Ban!

The ATF’s unconstitutional “pistol brace ban” is in effect, making criminals out of mil ... Read More
Stand-Your-Ground Saves Lives!

Stand-Your-Ground Saves Lives!

If you buy a firearm for home defense to defend your loved ones (think 2020’s Summer of Rage) without waiting ... Read More
Waiting Periods Are Deadly!

Waiting Periods Are Deadly!

If you buy a firearm for home defense to defend your loved ones (think 2020’s Summer of Rage) without waiting ... Read More
Don’t Let Michigan Pass Red Flags!

Don’t Let Michigan Pass Red Flags!

FIGHT BACK! Sign your petition against ‘Red Flags’ now, so your State Senator and State Representative kn ... Read More

Member Input—Take Action!

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